Penndot Adopt A Highway

Request Supplies, Report a trash collection and apply for the Adopt A Highway Program

Thank you volunteers!

4,330 Adopt-A-Highway volunteers have adopted 9,313 miles


Adopt A Roadway!

Do you wish you didn’t see litter on our roads? Sign up to help keep a roadway in your neighborhood clean.

Sign up now

Request Supplies

Get Geared Up!

Getting ready to keep a Pennsylvania roadway beautiful? Request supplies to keep your group safe!

Request Supplies

Report a Trash Collection

PennDOT to the Rescue!

Let your local PennDOT road crew know you cleaned up a roadway and have bags ready for pick up.

Enter Trash Collection

Keep PA Beautiful!

COVID-19 has required changes to the AAH program and how it is administered. AAH program policy has been updated to facilitate resumption of activities and is available to groups wishing to resume participation. Summarizing, groups should schedule events as they have previously with the additional requirements listed below, using the portal (on-line) or as they normally would. Complete information may be requested from county AAH coordinators. Required information: Date of event, all scheduled pickups for the upcoming weekend and week need to be coordinated before the close of business the Thursday prior, Groups must follow current CDC guidelines, i.e. social distancing, wearing of protective masks, hand washing, etc., while completing their work. and CDC/Department of Health information will be in their packets and available to be emailed in advance if requested. The inclusion of the above ensures the safety of our coordinators and volunteer groups while allowing the resumption of AAH activities.